This web site is my calling-card, presenting me as an artist and painter through a selection of my works and through the eyes of others. I will not repeat here a description of my background, since several others have written about some of it already, as can be read in the Critique section elsewhere on this web site.
Suffice to say is that I currently live in Malta and that my art has been acclaimed as the work of a natural-born colourist. I am most happy with that and I intend to continue exploring the modes of expression that my painting makes possible.
As time goes by this web site will be updated, not only with previous artworks, but also with new paintings. I am currently creating a new body of work which takes its inspiration from my present surroundings; a Mediterranenan influence, where colour and shape remain predominant features. I plan to present this in the near future in new exhibitions, both in Malta and overseas.
I welcome you, dear visitor, to see for yourself what I offer you. A series of 'tours', or art exhibitions, are available to view in the Tour section. Should you wish to know more, then you are most welcome to read what others have said or see a fairly comprehensive list of my previous exhibitions. You can then send me a note, as you might have done by writing in the guest book at an art exhibition…
Your artist, in deed,
Carmen Pizzuto
Web site copyright © 2007, Carmen Pizzuto
Web site last updated: March 9, 2007